Zapraszamy na cykl wykładów „Neo-Victorian Television” organizowany przez Zespół do Badań Literatury i Kultury Popularnej, działający w Instytucie Literatury i Nowych Mediów US. Dziewięć wykładów odbędzie się od marca do maja br. na platformie Zoom. Dokładne informacje dotyczące uczestnictwa będą zamieszczane w poniższym linku do wydarzenia:
Zachęcamy do udziału w spotkaniach!
Neo-Victorian Television is an online lecture series organised by Morphing Culture(s) Research Group (Instutute of Literature and New Media, University of Szczecin) and hosted by dr Barbara Braid. It is a series of nine lectures, held online (Zoom) between March and May 2024, and given by leading scholars in neo-Victorian studies, adaptation, and transmedia. Together we would like to have a closer look at the smorgasboard of neo-Victorian films and series available on our streaming platforms, focusing, among other things, on the processes and products of adaptation and transmediation, themes of the empire, gender, sexuality and crime, revisioning of famous Victorians and their works, and the aesthetics of gothic and steampunk.
For registration and links, see details in the discussion section.